

How to Achieve Your Startup Goals by Looking Inward

Article Written by Katherine Borse of Palm Beach Healing Arts for Startup Palm Beach It’s a new year, and many of us have set high bars & created significant resolutions for our businesses. We have decided to make more impact, launch new projects, multiply our numbers, test products, take that new idea off the vision board

Acupressure – does it work?

Although we focus on acupuncture at Palm Beach Healing Arts, we also offer acupressure for people who really don't want to try needles, or for those who want to try a different healing modality. Many of us are understandably fearful of needles, as the only time we are usually in contact with needles in a

Acupuncture for headaches

Headache is one of the commonest symptoms that any of us encounter. Who has not experienced a headache at some time or another in their life?  Acupuncture is incredibly effective at dealing with transient, short term headaches. Usually if someone comes to a treatment appointment with a headache, we can totally remove, or at least