Work one-on-on with

In our 1:1 work together, my aim is to offer you clarity as to what’s possible for your health and wellness, as well as a path to get there. Together we sift through your health history and genetic composition, unearth your story, explore your lifestyle choices and the interdependence that your environment plays in your health and overall being. We dig into your lab work and discover the patterns of dysfunction that need rectifying. and we address them with food, nutritional interventions, herbal medicine, lifestyle medicine, nature therapy, movement, and mindfulness. We work together to slowly shift out of habits that are not serving you, to release perceived obstacles, explore what is possible, and cultivate lifestyle practices and dietary interventions that are truly life changing. We do all of this with compassion for the process, hold space for the challenges that arise with change, and patiently work together in a plan co-designed together in order to assist you to achieve your goals, optimal wellbeing, and foster a cohesiveness within your mind-body-spirit complex that allows you to thrive.